The Background

The Fertile Soil philosophy was inspired by two Greek words, euphoreó (yoo-for-eh'-o) and karpophoreó (kar-pof-or-eh'-o), meaning, “To bear well, to be fruitful, bring forth fruit, plentiful, very productive.” In 2010, Fertile Soil Founder, Bianca Patterson set out on a journey for well-being, and saw the need to shift her focus from a life of exertion to living her euphoreó. As a health administrator and certified integrative health coach, she began to see the need to build a new operating system that would be an answer to the deep rooted challenges and concerns of both the individual and the health care system at large. In 2015, she used her passion to launch Fertile Soil to cultivate and promote functional well-being, abundant productivity, and a life full of joy.
Our program is designed as part detox (The Dig Phase) and part retreat (The Fertilize Phase). By
loosening the grip of old habits and transforming what is no longer serving you in this season, individuals
are freed up to learn, think, relate and act in new and more effective ways.
The 3P's
Our program is personalized and uniquely designed for the individual and framed by our “3P”
Fertile Soil Model:

1. Present

2. Presence

3. Presentation

In our fast paced, always on the phone, lifestyle and culture we’re really not PRESENT or in the moment. We are either stressed about the impending future, anxious about our looming past, or inundated with the “dopamine distraction apps” on our phones. The “3P” programmatic model is designed for you to enter into God’s faith-rest life. The “3P” model has been intentionally created for you to navigate through in a state of flow, with other people around you. We want you to understand the techniques of staying PRESENT and at rest amongst external stimuli and seasonal shifts.
From the outset of your arrival we’ve arranged for you to be positioned in the PRESENT and integrated into the seasonal environment. We welcome every guest with a mocktail made from seasonal ingredients that begins to realign and nourish your body to the PRESENT season; a foot washing that cleanses the spirit and opens you up for what’s to come (shedding the past and preparing you for The New); and a tranquil sound bath that allows you to soak in the PRESENT moment.
We guide you through a daily experience that continues to build upon your arrival moment. We implement movement modalities that help you to learn how to move differently. We are mindful of your circadian rhythms and your cortisol cycle, and structure your day based on your own internal rhythms and needs. Not only do we focus on movement and mindfulness, but we also recalibrate your body through seasonal, organic, farm-fresh foods. Each meal takes into account the health-supportive qualities of the ingredients, the cooking techniques, and how to use them to best benefit your body’s constitutional needs and your overall health and well-being. The retreat experience is an amalgam of movement, rest, and learning new skills and disciplines. We desire for you to be consistently PRESENT in every experience, encounter and exchange.
Those present moments lead you into the PRESENCE of God. We cultivate and connect you to the PRESENCE of God through worship, breathwork, meditation, teaching, prayer and your own personalized Aqua Regia spiritual intelligence report. The PRESENCE of God produces the promises of God. This transformative experience leaves you equipped with how to remain PRESENT and live in HIS PRESENCE. Our goal is not to reset you to zero or simply shift you back to a place of health where you produce no new thing. Our goal is to bring you to wholeness and oneness in Christ whereby you are able to release new things in this season of your life. With this new “WELL-BEING,” your perspective realigned, your spirit, soul, and body reset, you re-emerge, refreshed and inspired with a new PRESENTATION of “YOU” to the world.

The Difference
Our difference is highlighted in our science-based holistic approach. Our groundbreaking program draws from the best of Western and Eastern medical sciences, and includes revolutionary wellness genomics, advanced health, wellbeing, and leadership assessments, Individualized Microcurrent Frequency (IMF) programs, Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) technologies, and proven nutritional genomics. Often, the resolve that we are seeking is found by going a bit deeper and ascending higher. Our unique program is designed to support the individual on four distinct levels: mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially. Making use of both quantitative and qualitative metrics, we’ve designed our retreats to regenerate the spirit, soul and body. Our programs are based on research that suggests we can fundamentally transform our physical, emotional, and spiritual health through our daily habits and lifestyles that live according to the season and our dynamic design.

The Community

Fertile Soil Retreats appeal to contemplative individuals who are determined to live their lives with purpose, on purpose. Our community includes entrepreneurs, business leaders, creatives, and innovators. But beyond roles and titles our community is comprised of individuals in search of a transformative experience; one that recalibrates, reforms, empowers, and encourages them to harness their season in order to create sustainable momentum and breakthrough. These individuals choose to invest in themselves and their well-being in order to prepare and rightly position themselves so that they can be productive in their next season of life.