Product Description

Fertile Soil Detox Program
Our modern lifestyle and environment make a periodic protocol an important part of any wellness program. This 30-day program is designed to reinvigorate healthy gastrointestinal and liver function to encourage toxin neutralization and excretion.
The G.I. tract is the site of toxin elimination as well as toxin buildup. Encouraging regularity with fiber promotes the removal of waste from the intestines. Many diets are low in dietary fiber and high in processed and refined foods. Without fiber to “sweep out” toxins, waste can linger in the G.I. tract. Supporting gut integrity also limits the amount of toxins that pass into the bloodstream.
Meanwhile, the liver performs a series of enzymatic reactions to neutralize toxic compounds that have been absorbed, including air pollutants, food additives, hormones, pesticides, heavy metals, medications, antibiotics and alcohol. It also synthesizes and secretes bile, which binds to fat-soluble toxins in the intestines so that they may be removed from the body.
This 30-day program promotes the natural detoxification of the G.I. tract and liver to defend the body from everyday toxin exposures and to promote overall well-being.

Promote G.I. Motility and Regularity
Insoluble and soluble fiber increase stool volume and transit time when taken with appropriate amounts of water. This means larger and softer stools for healthy bowl movements. As the bulk moves through the intestine, it helps eliminate waste and toxins more quickly, minimizing toxin exposure in the G.I. tract.

Encourage Bile Flow
Stimulating the digestive process, specifically bile secretion and bile flow, is an integral factor for toxin elimination. Bile binds to fat-soluble toxins and helps remove them from the G.I. tract, reducing toxin exposure in the gut.

Enhance Liver Detoxification
Most toxins cannot be readily excreted from the body. The liver must convert them to less toxic compounds or to forms that can easily be eliminated. It does this via a series of Phase I and Phase II enzymatic reactions. This program includes foods, herbs and amino acids that have been shown to encourage the liver’s detoxification enzymes.

Chelate Heavy Metals
The program (if added) helps to defend the body from common, mild environmental exposures with natural chelating nutrients. The primary mechanism for this involves a unique low molecular weight modified citrus pectin, which, unlike other pectins, works systemically (not just in the gut) to bind heavy metals. Other herbs and nutrients support the body’s natural processes for elimination and excretion of heavy metals. (Only with addition of HM Complex)
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